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HCPS Announces 54 Teacher of the Year NomineesLEARN MORE

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Teacher of the Year Blog

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Teacher of the Year Blog

 Wow, I can’t believe an entire month has passed since the Harford County Teacher of the Year Banquet.  A few quick notes about myself, I have been teaching elementary vocal/general music at Hall’s Cross Roads Elementary School for nine years and have absolutely loved every minute.  I am married; and my wife, who is a fourth grade teacher in Philadelphia, and I have three young children.    I have a 65 mile commute one way which gives me time to reflect on my teaching and my lessons. I feel that my greatest achievement is the development of the Hall’s Cross Roads Motivated Chorus. The chorus consists of 4th and 5th graders who share in my belief that when we perform, we are there to motivate and inspire every individual in attendance.


         I am extremely proud to represent over 3000 Harford County teachers at the state and, maybe, even the national level.  Since I received this incredible honor, I diligently completed the state application for Maryland State Teacher of the Year.  Last week, I felt a sigh of relief as I turned my application packet into MSDE during a state board meeting.  The state board meeting provided me with the opportunity to meet all of the 2011-2012 Teachers of the Year from the 24 counties in Maryland.  The Maryland State Department of Education is extremely supportive of the Teacher of the Year program and highlights the amazing work that all teachers do everyday across this great state.  I am honored to be able to share my teaching experiences and beliefs with policy makers and other influential figures. This is a great opportunity to spread the word, not only about the power of music education, but the impact all teachers make to the lives of children.

 Below is a picture of the state board recognition of the teacher of the year program. 

In this Picture:

Back Row: Dr. Leonard D. Wheeler, Mr. William A. Lawrence, Dr. James H. DeGraffenreidt, Mr. James E. Boord II, Dr. Robert M. Tomback

Front Row: Mrs. Gwendolyn Benjamin-Jones, Ms. Teri D. Kranefeld, Mr. Christian Slattery Sr., Dr. Nancy S. Grasmick,