Student-athlete Eligibility - Scholastic
A student-athlete will be declared ineligible when (Board Policy – Participation in Extracurricular Activities):
- The student-athlete has received a failing grade in any subject on a quarterly
card or the student-athlete has received a failing grade in any subject as a
final grade.
- The student-athlete is not able to meet graduation requirements within the
four year program.
Starting and Ending Times:
Removal from eligibility shall be effective the first day of school following
the distribution of report cards. Return to
eligibility can be effective the first day after the quarter ends. Student-athletes must
meet eligibility requirements to be reinstated. The final decision regarding
the student-athlete's eligibility appeal/probation must be made no later than the tenth
school day after report cards. The Principal will make the final determination. At the end of the year, both scholastic rules shall apply. Grades earned in summer school may replace failing quarter and final grades on the fourth quarter report card so that a student-athlete may become eligible for the start of the next school year.
An ineligible student-athlete may appeal his/her ineligibility to a school Eligibility
Committee. The student-athlete must make an appeal
in writing within three school days after he/she has been declared ineligible.
In the event that the ineligibility occurs at the end of the fourth quarter of
the school year, the school will determine the due date in which the appeal
to be filed. All appeals for Fall Sports will be heard before the first day of
practice by the eligibility committee.
Eligibility Committee:
A committee to monitor eligibility requirements and to hear appeals shall be
composed of one (1) administrator, the Athletic
Director, one (1) guidance counselor, and at least three (3) non-coaching
The Eligibility Committee shall meet no later than the sixth school day after
report cards are issued.
The Eligibility Committee will make one of two recommendations to the Principal.
- If the student-athlete is unable to control the circumstances causing the
recommend to the Principal that the student-athlete be declared eligible.
- If the student-athlete was able to control the circumstances causing the
recommend to the Principal that the student-athlete should remain ineligible.
Probation Procedure:
A student-athlete should be on probation until the scheduled distribution of Interim
Progress Reports (IPR). If the student-athlete is passing
all classes when IPR's are issued, the student-athlete will be declared eligible for
the remainder of the quarter. If the student-athlete is failing any class when IPR's
are issued, the student-athlete will become ineligible.
NOTE: Probation will be at the discretion of the Principal and
is applicable
only if a student-athlete has appealed to the Eligibility Committee. The Principal's
decision is final in cases of appeals. An ineligible student-athlete may not participate
until the Principal renders a decision. The Principal's decision shall be made
no later than the tenth school day after report cards are issued.
NOTE: At a minimum, each high school shall issue interim
reports to
student-athletes who are in danger of failing at the midpoint of each marking period
and shall advise their parent/guardians. Schools may implement more frequent
checkpoints at their discretion.