How to Use the Student Education Planning Guide

The Student Education Planning Guide is a resource designed to support students and families in developing and maintaining a meaningful post-secondary plan. Consultation with counselors, teachers, and school personnel should occur each year in order to update the Six-Year Education Plan.

  1. Review and consider results from previous interest inventories such as those completed in Family Connections. Use this link to access information on how to use Family Connections in educational and career planning: Family Connections. Please contact your school counselor for login information.

  2. Using this information, select the career cluster(s) that most closely aligns with interest inventory and/or career exploration results. From here, choose a career pathway within the cluster matching interests, abilities, and post-secondary plans.

  3. Arts, Media, and Communication
    • Literary Arts
    • Performing Arts
    • Visual Arts
    • Interactive Media Production
    Business, Finance, and Information Technology
    • Accounting and Finance
    • Business Administration
    • Information Technology
    • Marketing
    Health and Human Services
    • Education
    • Government/Public Services
    • Health Services and Personal Care
    • Hospitality, Tourism, and Recreation
    Science, Engineering, and Technology
    • Engineering, Manufacturing, and Construction
    • Environmental, Agricultural, and Natural Resources
    • Science and Technology Studies
    • Transportation Technologies
  4. Complete the six-year education plan or revise it with your school counselor as progress is made towards the completion of graduation requirements. Use the course descriptions in choosing courses that meet graduation requirements and are related to post-secondary plans. Consult with your school counselor and other resources such as college advisors, military, trade personnel, employers, and others.

Checklist for successful completion of the registration process.

Six-Year Education Plan

Required Grade 9 Grade 10 Grade 11 Grade 12 Credits Years 13 & 14
English (4) English English English English
Mathematics (4) Math Math Math Math
Science (3) Science Science Science
Social Studies (3) U.S. History World History American Government
Fine Arts (1) Fine Arts
Phys. Ed. (1) Physical Education (0.5)
Health (1.0) Health (0.5) Health (0.5) - for Graduates 2024-2025 School Year and Beyond
Technology Requirement (1) Foundations of Tech
AP Computer Science Principles

Completer Program
Requirements (4-6)*

Completer Program Requirements:

2 Credits of the same World Language + University Systems of Maryland (USM) requirements (4 years of math including Algebra II or beyond in the senior year)
Successful completion of a State-approved career and technical education program (CTE)

Career Cluster:

Activities to Consider

Tests Recommended:  

Graduation Credits Requirements

Requirements for graduation from a Maryland Public High School are listed below. Students must earn a minimum of 26 credits in Grades 9 through 12 to receive a Maryland High School Diploma from Harford County Public Schools.

*Select the subject area to view the course sequence chart. Download

Subject Area
Specific Credit Requirements
(26 Total Credits Required)
4 credits
4 credits, including
  • 1 in Algebra I
  • 1 in Geometry
Must be enrolled in a mathematics course in each year of high school (maximum of 4 years of attendance, unless in the 5th or 6th year a mathematics course is needed to meet a graduation requirement)
3 credits
  • Students must complete coursework reflecting content from all three science disciplines: Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. Select the link Science* to view science course options.
Social Studies*
3 credits, including
  • 1 in American Government
  • 1 in World History
  • 1 in U.S. History
Fine Arts
1 credit
Physical Education
1 credit
  • 0.5 credit must include Foundations of Fitness and Physical Activity
0.5 credit
1 credit
  • Entering Class of 2014-2015 (Senior Class of 2018): Foundations of Technology
  • Entering Classes of 2015-16, 2017-2018, 2018-2019 (Senior Class of 2019, 2020, 2021): Foundations of Technology or AP Computer Science Principles
Career Pathway and Completer Program Requirements
4-6 credits
  • 4 credits in an approved Career & Technology Education (CTE) Career Completer Program
  • 4 credits in a Career Pathway Program + 2 World Language + University Systems of Maryland (USM) requirements (4 years of math including Algebra II or beyond in the senior year)
  • 4 credits in a Career Pathway Program + 2 Advanced Technology or 4 credits in the General Engineering Pathway
May vary according to program.

*Select the subject area to view the course sequence chart. Download

Subject Area
Specific Credit Requirements
(26 Total Credits Required)
4 credits
4 credits, including
  • 1 in Algebra I
  • 1 in Geometry
Must be enrolled in a mathematics course in each year of high school (maximum of 4 years of attendance, unless in the 5th or 6th year a mathematics course is needed to meet a graduation requirement)
3 credits
  • Students must complete coursework reflecting content from all three science disciplines: Earth and Space Science, Life Science, and Physical Science. Select the link Science* to view science course options.
Social Studies*
3 credits, including
  • 1 in American Government
  • 1 in World History
  • 1 in U.S. History
Fine Arts
1 credit
Physical Education
1 credit
  • 0.5 credit must include Foundations of Fitness and Physical Activity
1 credit
1 credit
  • Foundations of Technology or AP Computer Science Principles
Completer Program Requirements
2 to 4 credits
  • 4 credits in an approved Career & Technology Education (CTE) Career Completer Program
  • 2 credits of same World Language + University Systems of Maryland (USM) requirements (4 years of math including Algebra II or beyond in the senior year)
May vary according to program.

Student Service Requirement

There is a service learning component in the requirements for earning a Maryland High School Diploma. Student service learning activities are integrated into the existing HCPS curriculum for all subject areas in Grades 6-12. Students enrolled in Harford County Public Schools for three years beyond Grade 5 have met the state requirement for service learning.

The goals of the student service learning program are to promote a commitment to lifelong service, to develop responsible citizens, and to heighten the awareness of the needs of others and the global society in general. By infusing service education in the curriculum, students will acquire the knowledge and skills to appropriately serve others beyond their schooling years. Community service clubs and organizations are in full operation in each middle and high school to provide students with a wider range of service learning experiences.

Maryland Graduation State Assessment Requirements

as of August 1, 2024

The Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) regulates graduation assessment requirements and information is subject to change per the MSDE.

Students graduating with a Maryland High School Diploma must meet assessment requirements in Algebra I, English 10, Government, and High School Science. The Maryland State Board of Education determines and revises the graduation assessment requirements as needed. In May 2020, the Maryland State Board of Education approved the current assessment requirements to account for 2020 COVID school closure during spring 2020 (see below). Updates to the Student Education Planning Guide will be made as they become available For specific questions regarding your student’s requirements, please refer to the grade level/graduation year box and/or contact the school counselor.

Algebra I
English 10

Any student slated to test for the first time, retest, or complete a Bridge Plan project during the 2019-2020 school year and passed the respective course (Algebra I and/or English 10) before or during the 2019-2020 school year, received a COVID waiver for participating and passing the respective assessment.


Any student slated to test for the first time, retest, or complete a Bridge Plan project during the 2020-21 school year and passed the American Government course before or during the 2020-21 school year received a COVID waiver for participating and passing the HSA Government assessment.


Any student slated to test for the first time, retest, or complete a Bridge Plan project during the 2019-2020 school year and passed at least one of the courses: Biology; Chemistry; Earth and Environmental Systems (EES); Integrated Physics and Chemistry (IPC); or Physics before or during the 2019- 20 school year received a COVID waiver for participating and passing the HS MISA assessment.

Graduation Requirement Charts for Assessed High School Courses

Assessment Key
State Test Acronym HSA LS MISA (formerly HS MISA) MCAP (formerly PARCC)
State Test Title High School Assessment Life Science Maryland Integrated Science Assessment Maryland Comprehensive Assessment Program (formerly Partnership for Assessment of Readiness for College and Career)
Content Area(s) Assessed by Test
  • Algebra (2013-2014 and prior)
  • Biology (2016-2017 and prior)
  • English 10 (2013-2014 and prior)
  • American Government
  • Biology
  • Algebra I (2014-2015 and after)
  • English 10 (2014-2015 and after)

Course Year Passing the Course Assessment Requirement
Algebra I
English 10
2019-20 and prior COVID waiver
2020-21 through 2024-25 Participate in the assessment
2025-26 and beyond Requirements not yet established by MSDE
Government 2020-21 and prior COVID waiver
2021-22 through 2022-23 Participate in the assessment
2023-24 and beyond End of Course (EOC) Exam will comprise 20% of a student's final grade. Passing the course meets the graduation requirement.
2019-20 and prior COVID waiver
2020-21 through 2022-23 Participate in assessment
2023-24 and beyond End of Course (EOC) Exam will comprise 20% of a student's final grade. Passing the course meets the graduation requirement.

Information accurate as of August 2, 2022 and subject to change per MSDE.

College and Career Ready Designation

As part of the Blueprint for Maryland's Future, beginning with the 2021-2022 school year, each student shall be assessed no later than the 10th grade by a method adopted by the Maryland State Board of Education to determine whether the student meets the College and Career Readiness (CCR) standard. MSDE adopted an interim standard in the 2021-2022 school year that will continue until the end of the 2024-2025 school year. On January 23, 2024, MSDE adopted a new CCR standard. The CCR standards are outlined below.

Interim CCR Standard through 2024-2025 School Year

Under the interim CCR standard for SY 2021-2022, a student will be designated as "College and Career Ready" if they meet at least one of the standards listed below for English and one of the standards listed below for mathematics. These standards will remain in place through the 2024-25 school year. Students who meet this standard by the end of the 2024-25 school year will be designated as meeting CCR even if the new standard has not been met. Once a student meets the CCR standard, the designation cannot be removed. For the school years 2023-24 and 2024-25, students can meet CCR under the interim standard or the new standard.

Interim English Language Arts (ELA)

School Year Assessed Test Criteria to Meet CCR
2022-23 School Year MCAP English 10 Score a PL* 3 or 4
2021-22 School Year MCAP English 10 (Winter or Sring) Score a PL 3 or 4
MCAP English 10 (Early Fall) Score a PL 2 or 3
2020-21 School Year Students did not assess in 2020-21; however, they were required to assess in 2021-22(Early Fall)
2019-20 School Year Not Assessed - Students received a COVID waiver
2018-19 School Year MCAP English 10 Score a PL 4 or 5
Prior to 2018-19 School Year PARCC ELA 10 Score a PL 4 or 5
* Performance Level (PL)

Interim Mathematics

School Year Assessed Test Criteria to Meet CCR
2022-23 School Year MCAP Algebra I, MCAP Geometry, or MCAP Algebra II Score a PL* 3 or 4
SAT Math 520 or higher
2021-22 School Year MCAP Algebra I, MCAP Geometry, or MCAP Algebra II (Winter/Spring) Scora a PL 3 or 4
MCAP Algebra I, MCAP Geometry, or MCAP Algebra II (Early Fall) Score a PL 2 or 3
SAT Math 520 or higher
2020-21 School Year Students did not assess in 2020-21; however, they were required to assess in 2021-22(Early Fall).
2019-20 School Year Not Assessed - Students received a COVID waiver.
2018-19 School Year MCAP Algebra I, MCAP Geometry, or MCAP Algebra II Score PL 4 or 5
SAT Math 520 or higher
Prior to 2018-19 School Year PARCC Algebra I, PARCC Geometry, or PARCC Algebra II Score a PL 4 or 5
SAT Math 520 or higher

New CCR Standard Adopted January 23, 2024

Under the New CCR standard, a student will be designated as "College and Career Ready" if they meet at least one of the standard options listed below. Once a student meets the CCR standard, the designation cannot be removed. For the school years 2023-24 and 2024-25, students can meet CCR under the interim standard or the new standard.

Option 1:

Academic Success Earn a High School Unweighted Cumulative Grade Point Average (GPA) of 3.0 or Higher at the end of 10th, 11th, or 12th Grade.
Math Mastery Earn Final Grade of A, B, or C in the Algebra I course.
Score Proficient (750) or above on the MCAP Algebra I Assessment.

Option 2:

Score Proficient (750) or Above on the MCAP ELA 10 AND the MCAP Algebra I Assessments.

Advanced Courses with a Weighted GPA

Advanced courses with a weighted GPA include Advanced Placement(AP), International Baccalaureate(IB) program, Dual Credit, and Honors courses. Additionally, a variety of courses have been identified by principals and content supervisors and approved by the General Curriculum Committee(GCC) to be of sufficient rigor and awarded a weighted GPA.

Weighted Grades for AP, IB, Dual Credit, Honors, and Identified Rigorous Approved Courses

Grades Grade Points for Weighted Courses Grade Points for Non-Weighted Courses
A 5.0 4.0
B 4.0 3.0
C 3.0 2.0
D 1.0 1.0
E 0.0 0.0

AP, IB, Dual Credit, Honors, and Identified Rigorous courses all receive a weighted grade for the credit earned. AP, IB, Dual Credit(HCC) and Honors courses are noted as part of the course title. Dual Credit, Honors and Identified Rigorous approved courses contain a "W" as the fifth character of the course number(i.e., Honors Algebra II MA07W). Course names, numbers and descriptions can be viewed here.

Student Enrollment Options

In recognition of the fact that four-year enrollment in public high school may not serve the best interest of some students, the following Student Enrollment Options (SEO) are available. (Granted under the authority of COMAR 13A.03.02.03 and 13a.03.02.10) Additionally, the Blueprint for Maryland's Future requires Local Education Authorities (LEAs) to pay applicable costs for eligible students to participate in dual enrollment opportunities earning college credit and/or workforce training leading to certification ro license to an industry recognized occumation or credential.
Requirements, application, and approval procedures for effective implementation of SEO are developed by Harford County Public Schools in accordanance with the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) guidance.
Select the blue button "HCPS Student Enrollment Options" to access the application.

Student Enrollment Options
Accelerated Graduation
  • Grades 11-12
  • Early Graduation
  • Waiver of Second Semester
Dual Enrollment*
  • Click Here for information and eligibility requirements about Dual Enrollment
  • See your school counselor for additional details
College Course or Transfer Pathway Note: Students must meet the minimum eligibility requirements. Click here for requirements.

Early College Program
  • Magnet Program Application
    • Pathways in Technology (P-TECH)
    • Teachers Academy of Maryland+ (TAM+)
Note: Students must meet the minimum eligibility requirements. See specific magnet program details and eligibility requirements Here

Workforce Pathway
  • Grades 11-12
  • On-track with graduation requirements
Note: Courses earn stackable credentials for certification or licensure.
Part-time Attendance
  • Grade 12
  • Extraordinary Circumstance
  • Financial Circumstance
  • Employment
Note: Some instances may require a student on Accelerated Graduation or Early College Access to also be on Part-time Attendance.
*HCPS students primarily participate in Dual Enrollment through Harford Community College (HCC). HCC offers tuition discount, location advantage, and numerous dual credit and college credit only offerings. However, students may also be eligible to attend other approved public Maryland Institution of Higher Education (IHE) at a reduced cost or tuition free. See your school counselor for more information.

College Credit Through High School Programs

Advanced Placement (AP), International Baccalaureate (IB), and College Level Examination Program (CLEP) Based Courses

The Advanced Placement, International Baccalaureate, and College Level Examination Programs provide students the opportunity to pursue college-level studies while still in high school. A variety of AP and CLEP Program courses are available in each of the high schools and students may demonstrate they have learned the equivalent of college level work by taking the appropriate AP or CLEP examination provided by the College Board organization. Many post-secondary institutions will award college credits or advanced standing upon successful completion of an assessment or portfolio or a CLEP test. Not all AP or CLEP Program courses are available in every Harford County high school. The IB Diploma Programme courses are only offered at Edgewood High School.

High School Courses Earning College Credit (Articulated Credits)

Students can earn college credit through certain approved programs during high school. If a student takes any courses in the identified program areas and plans to attend an area college, the student should work with teachers and school counselors to identify the course(s) that qualify for college credit.

Information can also be found at each high school counseling department or from the Business Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Trades and Industry teachers. Selected two- and four-year colleges agreed to grant college credit to students completing certain programs of study while in high school. Programs are offered in Career and Technology Education including Business Education, Family and Consumer Sciences, and Trades and Industry. By completing the programs, the high school credit can articulate to the colleges that have an agreement with HCPS.

Special Education Services

Special Education services are offered at all high schools to meet the needs of Harford County Public School students with disabilities. Courses with varying levels of support are available depending upon the individual needs of the student. Decisions regarding appropriate levels of support are made by the IEP Team and are based upon a student's Individualized Education Program (IEP). Transition services are also provided and are tailored to enhance progress toward post-secondary outcomes. In addition to academic support, a student with disabilities may also be eligible for support in the areas of communication, social interaction, behavior management and other related services; eligibility determinations are made by the student's IEP Team. For specific questions regarding your child's services and course selection, please contact the school counseling office.

Maryland High School Certificate

The Maryland High School Certificate is awarded only to students with disabilities who have been determined to be eligible to participate in the alternate assessment process or have demonstrated an inability to meet the requirements for a diploma. The student must also meet one of the following standards:

  1. The student is enrolled in an education program for at least four years beyond Grade 8, or its age equivalent, and is determined by an Individualized Education Program (IEP) Committee, with the agreement of the parents of the student with a disability, to have developed appropriate skills for the individual to enter the world of work, act responsibly as a citizen, and enjoy a fulfilling life. “World of work” may include gainful employment, post-secondary education and training, supported employment, and other services integrated in the community; OR
  2. The student has been enrolled in an education program for four years beyond Grade 8, or its age equivalent, and has reached age 21.

Completer Programs

Advanced Technology Courses
Career and Technology Education (CTE) Completer Sequence
University System of
Maryland Entrance Program

Advanced technology education courses provide opportunities for the in-depth study of technology. The pattern of course work must include three credits in Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE) approved advanced technology courses.

Advanced Technology Courses

  • Technological Design - CTE

  • Advanced Design Applications - CTE

  • Advanced Technological Applications - CTE or Dual Enrollment*

This is an MSDE-approved sequence of four occupational course credits in a planned, sequential program of study that integrates academic, technical, and workplace readiness skills.

Career and Technology
Completer Programs

  • All technical program sequences associated with Harford Technical High School and North Harford High School

  • Biomedical Sciences

  • Business Education
    • Academy of Finance
    • Accounting and Finance
    • Business Management
    • Computer Programming
    • Marketing

  • Career Research and Development

  • Family and Consumer Sciences
    • Early Childhood Education
    • Food and Beverage Management
    • Teacher Academy of Maryland

  • Fire/Rescue EMT Cadet Program

  • Interactive Media

  • Homeland Security and Emergency Preparedness

  • Natural Resources and Agricultural Sciences

  • Pre-Engineering

This program includes a pattern of coursework which meets the entrance requirements for the University System of Maryland (USM). It must include a two-credit sequence of world languages and two elective credits.

  • English (4)
  • Social Studies (3)
  • Mathematics (4)
    4 years of math including Algebra II or beyond in the senior year.
  • Science (3)
    In at least two different areas, with at least two lab experiences
  • *World Languages (2)
    French, German or Spanish
  • Academic Electives (6)
    Students should choose electives based upon their intended course study, special interest, and personal needs.

The University System of Maryland includes the following institutions:

  • Bowie State University
  • Coppin State College
  • Frostburg State University
  • Salisbury University
  • Towson University
  • University of Baltimore
  • University of Maryland, Baltimore County
  • University of Maryland, College Park
  • University of Maryland, Eastern Shore

*Some USM institutions will substitute the world language requirement with two credits of Advanced Technology (Students should check their school).

Regulations and Procedures for the Organization and Administration of Athletic Programs

  • The Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Program, under the authorization of the Maryland State Board of Education and the State Superintendent of Schools, has established regulations governing athletic programs for students in the public secondary schools of Maryland.

  • The Maryland Public Secondary Schools Athletic Association supervises the athletic programs in the public secondary schools of the state. All of the public high schools in Harford County are members of the association and are governed by its actions.

  • Local school systems may supplement the state rules governing their athletic programs with more restrictive ones. Less restrictive rules may not be adopted.

  • The Harford County Board of Education has established policies and guidelines regarding the program of interscholastic athletics.

  • Conditional to participating in interscholastic activities in HCPS, students must meet the Harford County Board of Education residency and eligibility policies.

Additional Information

Career Research and Development

Career Research and Development is a Career and Technology Education (CTE) instructional program that prepares students with the academic, technical and workplace skills necessary to seek further education and employment in a career field of their interest upon graduation from high school. The program consists of two in-school courses, a portfolio development project, and a work-based learning experience. The workplace component is a mentored, on-the-job, work experience with a written, personalized, work-based learning agreement and plan.

Center for Educational Opportunity

A program of alternative education is provided at the Center for Education Opportunity. Secondary school students who have long-term suspensions from school are eligible to enroll in the alternative education program and will receive credit for satisfactorily completed work. In addition, secondary school students whose educational, emotional, financial, physical, or other needs are such that they cannot be met in the regular school program are eligible to apply for admission to the alternative program.

Harford Academy

Harford Academy is the only public special education school serving students with disabilities in Harford County. The instructional program is tailored to meet individual student needs, based on individual education plan goals. Instructional areas may include communication, functional academics, behavior and social skills, personal management, decision making, community skills, recreation and leisure skills, and career vocational skills.

Magnet and Specialized Programs

Magnet and Specialized Programs in Harford County Public Schools are high school programs with specialized curricula and are available to students in Harford County who qualify through an application process. Click here to learn more about HCPS Magnet Programs. Click here to learn more about HCPS Specialized Programs.

Maryland State Scholars

The Maryland State Scholars program is conducted by the Maryland Business Roundtable for Education in partnership with state and local agencies. The program is part of a national “State Scholars” initiative supported by the U.S. Department of Education and administered by the Western Interstate Commission on Higher Education (WICHE) in 24 states. The Maryland State Scholars course plan is designed to increase the number/percentage of students who complete rigorous coursework and are well prepared to succeed in college and the workplace. The course plan is designated a Maryland “rigorous course of study” with the U.S. Department of Education, which qualifies Pell-eligible students for Academic Competiveness and SMART Grants.

The Maryland State Scholars Course of Study (effective freshmen entering in 2012) within all Harford County high schools includes:

  • 4 credits in English
  • 4 credits of Math to include: Algebra I, Geometry, Algebra II*
  • 3 credits of science.
  • 3 credits of Social Science to include: U.S. History, World History, and Government
  • 2 credits of the same World Language*

Students must attain a 3.0 overall GPA to qualify. The designation “Maryland State Scholar” will appear on the student’s final transcript.

*courses exceed State graduation requirements

Science, Technology, Engineering and Mathematics (STEM) Programs

The Harford County Public School System offers a variety of high school programs which integrate science, technology, engineering and mathematics content through authentic, rigorous, transdisciplinary and collaborative learning activities. The goal of these programs is to empower students to complete/be successful in a technological society and global market place. STEM related programs are identified here.

Student Aide Program

In some schools, eligible seniors may select a one-period per day noncredit student aide assignment. Selection will be made by the sponsoring department, with permission of the principal. Student aides are not graded, and they do not receive credit.

Summer Learning Program

The Harford County Public School System provides some summer courses for remediation, original credit, and noncredit enrichment and/or remediation. Offerings are scheduled according to student registration, the availability and expertise of staff, and funding resources.

Student brochures, which list summer courses for that year, are issued each spring. Selecting an original or remedial credit course in the summer usually provides room in the student's schedule in the next school year for a desired course. Students must provide their own transportation. A tuition fee is charged. Registration for the Summer Learning Program will go live in mid-April 2018.

Swan Creek School

Harford County Public Schools offers an alternative learning option that any HCPS student may apply to. Blended Virtual instruction is a combination of synchronous virtual instruction and asynchronous instruction. Swan Creek School offers two programs to HCPS students:

  • eLearning program for elementary and secondary students in grades Kindergarten through 12th Grade. Students attend scheduled synchronous lessons virtually five days a week with HCPS teachers.
  • In-person program for secondary students in grades 6 through 12. The In-person program places students in cohorts that meet two days per week in-person (Monday/Wednesday or Tuesday/Thursday) and alternating Fridays. In-person instruction takes place at Swan Creek School, which is located at 253 Paradise Road in Aberdeen, MD. The in-person school day runs from 9 AM until 4 PM. HCPS provides transportation to and from the school.

Both programs use HCPS curriculum taught by HCPS teachers. For more information, click here or call the Swan Creek School office at 410-273-5594.