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Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports (PBIS)

PBIS stands for Positive Behavioral Interventions & Supports. PBIS is an evidence-based framework and is an example of a multi-tiered systems of support (MTSS). Click here for more information on PBIS.

PBIS Maryland was created to assist educational systems in Maryland to build the capacity to adopt and sustain a multi-tiered framework for implementing evidence-based practices to increase success of all students. PBIS Maryland was established in 1999 and continues today as a collaborative partnership between the Maryland State Department of Education, Johns Hopkins University, Sheppard Pratt Health System, and local educational systems. In HCPS, our first PBIS school was trained in 2000.


Currently, we have 27 schools actively implementing the PBIS framework. Our county does not require any school to implement the PBIS Framework; however, any HCPS school can be trained in the PBIS framework. In 2022-2023, four schools requested to be trained in PBIS; Forest Lakes Elementary, Hickory Elementary, Red Pump Elementary, and Youth's Benefit Elementary. Each school's core leadership team completed a 14-hour training required by PBIS Maryland, provided by the district coordinators trained by the state of Maryland. Since 2019, Dr. Paula Stanton and Meredith Heldt are the PBIS District Coordinators and Tier 1 Maryland Trainer of Trainers.

HCPS PBIS schools participate in quarterly PBIS Coaches' meetings. The meetings focus on strengthening coaching and leadership skills and collaborating on best practices for effective PBIS implementation. Each PBIS school has a PBIS leadership team that meets monthly regarding the school's implementation plan, including analyzing data trends. Lick School Performance and Achievement (SPA) Facilitators, PBIS Coaches are eligible for a CPD credit when all school year expectations are met at the district and school-based level.

Strengths of PBIS' Tiered Framework

  • Emphasizes relationships and community
  • Develops clear school expectations and norms developed using an equity lens.
  • Benefits student achievement.
  • Improves the climate and culture student, staff, and community.
  • Engages student voices.
  • Promotes a sense of belonging for all.
  • Monitors/advances equitable practices within the school community.
  • Reduces or eliminates disproportionate discipline through monthly team monitoring meetings.
  • Aligns to social emotional learning (SEL) and deliberately teaches school team lessons on pro social skills and character education.
  • Aligns with Domain 2 and Domain 4 of Danielson framework
  • Emphasizes bullying prevention and ensures all stakeholders know how to report bullying, harassing, and intimidating behaviors.
  • Aligns with student services team (SST) process for student progress and intervention supports.

For more information on common misconceptions of PBIS, visit Debunking Top PBIS Myths.

  • Aberdeen Middle
  • Aberdeen High
  • Abingdon Elementary
  • Bakerfield Elementary
  • Bel Air Middle
  • Church Creek Elementary
  • Churchville Elementary
  • Deerfield Elementary
  • Edgewood Elementary
  • Edgewood Middle
  • Forest Lakes Elementary
  • George D. Lisby Elementary
  • Havre de Grace Elementary
  • Havre de Grace Middle
  • Hickory Elementary
  • Hall's Cross Roads Elementary
  • Jarrettsville Elementary
  • Joppatowne Elementary
  • Magnolia Elementary
  • Magnolia Middle
  • Old Post Road Elementary
  • Riverside Elementary
  • Red Pump Elementary
  • Roye-Williams Elementary
  • Swan Creek
  • William S. James Elementary
  • Youth's Benefit Elementary

If you have any questions regarding a school's PBIS framework, please contact the school building Principal and/or school coach directly. If your school is interested in being trained in PBIS, please contact or
For more information, contact your school's PBIS coach:
Click here for a list of current PBIS coaches
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