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Stakeholder Engagement
At HCPS, we recognize customer service as a vital component of our organization’s culture that, in our case, ultimately affects overall student success. During the 2019-2020 school year, the HCPS Customer Service Task Force was formed and includes Board Members, Central Office staff, school administrators, teachers, and community partners. HCPS standards for quality customer service are measured by our TRACK-ing Excellence Program, created by our Organizational Development Department. TRACK represents Transparent, Responsive, Accessible, Consistent, and Kind communication. To ensure that we, as an organization, remain accountable for delivering top-notch internal and external customer service, the HCPS Customer Service Task Force develops new initiatives in line with the TRACK-ing Excellence Program to help us gauge our current level of service and identify opportunities for improvement. Some of those initiatives include staff recognition events; staff training videos; school community engagement guides; and most recently, a customer satisfaction survey. The survey, launched at the start of the 2021 calendar year, is being piloted by HCPS Central Office staff. The information collected in the survey is being used as a tool to improve our customer service and to recognize those who are exceeding expectations. Responses and data are reviewed monthly.

The mission of the Business Advisory Committee is to increase engagement and strengthen the partnership between the school system and Harford County’s local business community. Committee participants learn firsthand about the happenings in our schools and systemwide and have opportunities to identify ways in which their business may be able to support our efforts. The council is co-chaired by Chief of Administration Eric Davis and Assistant Superintendent for Business Services Deborah Judd and meets once monthly in a virtual setting.

The Harford County Public Schools (HCPS) Parent Advisory Council (PAC) provides input on ways to improve communication and parent engagement at the district and local school level and provides parent advocacy trainings to support student learning. PAC members who have at least one child in the school system and who reflect the diversity of the HCPS community. PAC meetings are facilitated by staff in the HCPS Family and Community Partnerships. The mission of the Parent Advisory Council is to provide feedback and advice to the school system on parent engagement efforts related to the research-based PTA standards for family-school partnerships described in the Board of Education Policy Number 10-0004-000, Parent/Community Involvement. PAC is proactive and innovative in identifying and sharing ways to enhance the school system's communication and parent engagement efforts and parent advocacy training. Click here to learn more.

Each year, Superintendent of Schools, Dr. Sean Bulson, recruits new members for the Superintendent's Student Advisory Council. The purpose of this Council is to engage with the Superintendent and the Student Member of the Board of Education in meaningful dialogue of students' views and perspectives. All students meeting the minimum criteria in grades six through twelve are eligible to apply.