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The 'Blueprint for Maryland's Future Act' (Blueprint) is a multi-year plan to put into effect required changes, or legislation in the field of education that affect local school systems, county governments, and the State of Maryland. The goals HCPS has for implementing Blueprint include ensuring each student is fully prepared for life beyond high school graduation, elevating the teaching profession, supporting students' mental and physical health, expanding access to high quality pre-kindergarten, and connecting with diverse stakeholders.

HCPS is required to submit a Blueprint for Maryland's Future Implementation Plan each year to the accountability and Implementation Board (AIB), which is the governing board overseeing the implementation of this legislation. For 2024, this plan is required in two parts, with part one (System-wide) due March 15, 2024, and part two (Pillars 1-5) due May 1, 2024. Review Part 1 of the 2024 HCPS Blueprint Implementation Plan. Review Part 2 of the 2024 Blueprint Implementation Plan.

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Maryland Association of Boards of Education (MABE):
Early Childhood

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Blueprint) legislation contains a significant expansion of pre-kindergarten education for 3- and 4-year-old children, which includes additional family income eligibility, HCPS full day pre-k programs, and private programs meeting Maryland qualifications. The Blueprint Early Childhood sub-committee is chaired by Heather Kutcher, Executive Director for Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment, and Deb Merlock, President of Harford County Education Foundation.

North Star

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Blueprint) legislation contains requirements for school districts to have certain college and career readiness pathways, which align and support the HCPS North Star initiative for graduate outcomes. The Blueprint North Star sub-committee is chaired by Mike O’Brien, Executive Director of Middle & High School Performance, and Bill Seccurro, Chair of the Harford Business Roundtable for Education Executive Committee.

Evaluating Educators

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Blueprint) legislation contains requirements for school districts to create a Career Ladder to elevate the teaching profession, to encourage qualified teachers to stay in the classroom, and to ensure diversity within our staff. The Blueprint Career Ladder sub-committee is chaired by Mae Alfree, Director of Staff & Labor Relations, and Toni Shivery, Vice President of Human Resources, University of Maryland Upper Chesapeake Health.

Student Supports

The Blueprint for Maryland’s Future (Blueprint) legislation contains requirements for school districts to provide more support to students who need it the most. The Blueprint Student Supports sub-committee is chaired by Buck Hennigan, Executive Director of Student Support Services, and Bari Klein, the Executive Director of Healthy Harford.

Office of Strategic Initiatives
The Office of Strategic Initiatives is responsible for systemic planning and support as directed by the Superintendent of Schools. Examples of strategic initiatives include COVID-19 recovery, Continuity of Learning, and the Blueprint for Maryland's future. For the Blueprint, this office liaises with various local, state, and national agencies and organizations, such as the Blueprint for Maryland's Future Accountability Implementation Board, the Maryland State Department of Education (MSDE), and the Harford County Government. For all initiatives, this office is committed to community engagement and efforts that support the Board of Education of Harford County's Strategic Plan.