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Principal Parent Engagement Logo

Welcome to the HCPS Principal Parent Engagement Toolkit! This library of resources was created to support the work HCPS principals are doing around family engagement within their school communities. HCPS is committed to developing and maintaining welcoming and inclusive environments in all our schools and offices to help foster genuine relationships with our community members. This toolkit highlights innovative and effective engagement strategies that have been successful in our very own schools.

“Tools” are organized below by the National PTA Standards for Family-School Partnerships. These sections are not meant to be sequential; one is not more important than the others. We encourage our principals to utilize this ongoing resource to enhance their family and community engagement efforts throughout the school year. Visit this page often for new content and ideas!

Principals and school-based staff members who have a program, practice, or event that they feel should be included in the Principal Toolkit are encouraged to reach out to Mary Beth Stapleton, Manager of Family and Community Partnerships, at

Standard 1: Welcome All Families
2022-23 School Year
Standard 2: Communicate Effectively
2023-24 School Year
2022-23 School Year
Standard 3: Support Student Success
2022-23 School Year
Standard 6: Collaborate with the Community
2022-23 School Year

Additional Resources