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Fine Arts: Visual Arts
Elementary School
Visual Arts

The Elementary School Art Curriculum Guide aims to support elementary school students in developing skills in drawing, painting, printmaking, three-dimensional design, and paper and fibers. The curriculum guide provides a sequential program of art education content standards, indicators, activities, and assessments for seven grade levels. It promotes the development of vocabulary, perception, concept attainment, and fine motor skills in elementary school students. The goal is to cultivate students' perceptual awareness, historical perspective, aesthetic sensitivity, and creative and technical skills, ultimately helping them become knowledgeable, compassionate, productive, and creative members of society.

Visual Arts Units of Study
Drawing unit
Painting unit
Printmaking unit
Sculpture unit
Paper and Fibers unit
Essential Skills and Concepts Map
PreK-5th Grade Visual Arts:
Pre-K - 5 - Concept Map (Art)
For more information on visual arts, contact:
Supervisor of Fine Arts
102 South Hickory Avenue
Bel Air, MD 21014
(410) 588-5277