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Home - Harford County Public Schools

Learning Together: An Inclusive Preschool Program


Fill out the form below to apply for 2025-26 School Year

You will be contacted by HCPS staff after receiving your application to schedule the next steps in the application process.

Click here to view flyer
Click here for a printable application

*Child must be at least three years old on September 1.

**child must reside in Harford County

M/W/F am session (9:00-11:30 a.m.)
M/W/F pm session (1:00-3:30 p.m.)
T/TH am session (9:00-11:30 a.m.)
T/TH pm session (1:00-3:30 p.m.)

Please Describe:

Developmental Information:

Is your child speaking in 4-5 word sentences?

Provide an example:

Does your child follow simple directions given by an adult?

Explain, if needed:

Do you have any concerns about your child's expressive or receptive language skills?

Please Describe:

Does your child have any physical restrictions?

If yes, please describe:

Is your child toilet trained?

*children must be independent in the bathroom.

Social, Emotional, and Behavioral Characteristics:

Does your child have opportunities to play with other children?

Please describe:

Do you have concerns about your child's play or social skills?

If yes, please describe:

Does your child have difficulty separating from familiar adults?

If yes, please describe:

Learning Style, Motivators, and Reinforcers
My child does best when:
My child enjoys or is interested in:
My child does not like or avoids:
I would like my child to learn or get better at:

The following information about my child may be helpful to the decision-making process:

I give my permission for the Learning Together team to use information on this form in the decision-making process related to participation in the Learning Together Program. I understand that this information will be kept confidential and cannot be read by anyone other than the Harford County Public School personnel who have a legitimate educational interest. I am aware that this information may not be sent to anyone outside of Harford County Public Schools without my written permission and that I may request that this information be removed from my child’s records if it is inaccurate, misleading, or otherwise in violation of the privacy or other rights of my child. I am also aware that I may request a copy of this completed form for my own records.

Signature of Parent of Guardian(Type Name)