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News Alert for 7/12/2022

Notice of Public Participation BOE Business Meeting July 18, 2022

MONDAY, JULY 18, 2022

OPEN SESSION:  6:00 PM – 6:05 PM
This meeting will be conducted virtually with no public attendance due to the brief nature of this meeting
and the logistical issues regarding allowing public attendance in advance of the 6:30 PM meeting.
*The only item the Board will consider during this open meeting is consideration of meeting in a closed session.

CLOSED SESSION:  6:05 PM – 6:20 PM

This meeting will be conducted in a hybrid fashion and public attendance will be permitted as explained below:


The Board of Education of Harford County will hold a hybrid Business Meeting on Monday July 18, 2022, at 6:30 PM in the Board Room of the A.A. Roberty Building with Board Members, staff, and presenters in attendance both virtually and in-person.  Seats will be available on a first come-first served basis.  The meeting will be streamed live and archived for later viewing on the HCPS Website.

Public Comment Participation Call-In Process
Community members who wish to provide comments virtually during the Public Comments segment of the Business meeting are required to register by completing this form Public Comment Registration Form.

Registrations must be received by 9:00 AM on Monday, July 18, 2022.  All fields on the registration form must be completed.
  1. First and Last name             
  2. Email Address
  3. Phone Number
  4. Registration forms are limited to one (1) per person
Registered speakers will receive an email from HCPS with a Call-in Phone # and a Conference ID #.
  • Registered speakers are required to call-in and enter the conference ID# at 6:30 PM on Monday, July 18, 2022. 
  • Important:  If you are unable to take your phone off mute, you may need to dial *6.
  • If you are admitted from the virtual lobby to the meeting, you will be greeted by an HCPS staff member when it is time to begin your public comment.  Expected hold time in the virtual lobby may vary based on number of registered speakers.  The maximum wait time in the lobby is 30 minutes; should you be disconnected please call back.

Public Comment Participation In-Person Process
Persons who are attending the meeting in person, as provided above, may make in-person public comment.  Board Comment cards will be available for Board meeting attendees prior to the Board Meeting for sign-up.  Board Comment Registration forms are limited to one (1) per person.

The Board has authorized public comment as follows:
  • Board policy permits speaker three (3) minutes to provide comments.  However, Board policy authorizes the Board to reduce the amount of time allocated to each speaker if allocating 3 minutes to each speaker will impede the Board’s ability to complete scheduled business. 
  • The Board will receive in-person public comment first and virtual public comment second. The Board expects that all comments will be submitted with the decorum and respect appropriate to the conduct of public business.
  • Topics such as personnel matters, pending appeals, specific student disciplinary matters or which constitute commercial solicitations are not permitted.
  • Disparaging comments, personal attacks, and inflammatory remarks about specific schools or personnel are not permitted. Speakers who engage in these comments will be reminded of the rules and the Board reserves the right to remove the speaker.  In addition, public comment is an opportunity for members of the community to address the Board of Education.  Please direct your comments to the Board and not to other members of the public in the audience.
  • All public comments submitted will be part of the records maintained by the Board office.

Speakers are reminded that public comments are considered public information and,
as such, are subject to the Maryland Public Information Act.