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The Harford County English/language arts curriculum, kindergarten through grade twelve, is structured so that students recognize the authentic relationships among reading, writing, listening, and speaking in the real world. In child-centered, positive learning environments, students strive to master developmental and sequential learning expectations to become self-directed, productive life-long learners. In the elementary Integrated Language Arts program, teachers model the processes of reading, writing, listening, and speaking while integrating instruction which supports appropriate expectations for the development of basic skills as well as higher level thinking and learning skills. Teachers, students, and parents work collaboratively to accomplish instructional goals that prepare students to move on to the middle school experience.

Middle School

The middle school language arts program continues to focus on the development of student skills in the areas of reading, writing, listening, and speaking. Through an integrated, thematic approach, students explore the richness of the human literacy experience. They refine basic skills and strive to accomplish a higher level of skill development in all areas of the language arts. Instruction targets success for all students by the time they leave middle school and enter high school.

Language Arts Curriculum
High School

High school English is a four-year, sequential program of study through which students earn credits toward graduation, as well as a broad selection of electives through which students enrich their learning experiences. Learning expectations for high school students are aligned with the Maryland College and Career Ready Standards. This curriculum is designed to support success on the Maryland High School Assessments in English. Electives in journalism, speech, humanities, and creative writing offer students a variety of avenues for creative expression and authentic performance. The high school program strives to prepare all students for success in college and the world of work.

English Curriculum

The following link is for the current secondary curriculum textbook, Houghton Mifflin Harcourt Collections being implemented in Harford County Public Schools.

Contact the Office of English/Language Arts
Kristine Scarry, Supervisor of English/Language Arts

102 South Hickory Avenue
Bel Air, MD 21014