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Home - Harford County Public Schools

Office of Social Studies
Social Studies Logo
"What we teach them today will have an impact on our society in the future." -Dr. Tommy Ender
Our Vision
Every Student can SEE THEMSELVES
in their learning and can CELEBRATE what they see.

Our Mission
The Harford County Public Schools Department of Social Studies will build EMPOWERED and INFORMED citizens who think CRITICALLY, ADVOCATE locally, IMPACT GLOBALLY, and INNOVATE by examining the lessons of the past and applying them to today.

HCPS PreK-12 Curriculum Overview

The elementary social science program builds the foundation for students to use essential social science knowledge and skills to think critically, solve problems, and apply learnings to daily life. Students learn to use maps and other resources as they explore several major focus areas: the community, cultural heritage, and families; the importance of law and order; the history, economics, government, geography, and multiculturalism of Harford County; the Chesapeake Bay, the geography and history of Maryland, and the growth of Maryland's industries and economic role in a global marketplace; and, the history of the United States from pre-1492 to the establishment of the New Republic. Various resources and real-world applications combine to help students develop lifelong competencies.

The middle school program extends and enriches the foundation established in the elementary grades, and it builds the knowledge base necessary for high school courses. Sixth grade students explore global issues in Europe, the Middle East, the Americas, Japan, and Africa. Seventh grade students focus on ancient history, from the birth of civilization through the Middle Ages. Eighth grade students study United States history during the 1800's. Like the elementary program, the middle school program is guided by the essential learnings identified by the Maryland State Department of Education in the Maryland Content Standards and Frameworks.

The high school program identifies specific courses appropriate for each grade level. Courses for grades nine, ten, and eleven are aligned with the high school core learning goals defined by the Maryland State Department of Education. In the ninth grade, students explore United States Government to gain an understanding of the philosophies, principles, and processes of government and citizenship. Students in tenth grade extend the base established in middle school by studying world history from the Renaissance to the contemporary world. Eleventh grade students examine the post-Civil War period through the contemporary in Part Three of the History of the United States. Elective offerings available to high school students in grades ten, eleven, and twelve include Advanced Placement courses which cover a range of topics within the social studies. Many of these offerings prepare students for the variety of college courses typically required of freshmen and sophomores.

Program Overviews

Resources for Parents

For more information on social studies, contact:
Supervisor of Social Studies

102 South Hickory Avenue
Bel Air, MD 21014
(410) 588-5223