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English/Language Arts
Reading: Facts For Parents

Did You Know?
  • One-third of ninth-graders have major reading problems.

    An estimated one-third of students enter ninth grade with reading skills that are two or more years below grade level, according to a Johns Hopkins University study. That means big problems ahead for those who don't get the help they need. Source: Balfanz, McPartland & Shaw, Center for Social Organization of Schools, Johns Hopkins University, 2002.

  • Children who read well become more successful.

    Years of research has proven that children who read at grade level are more successful in school and in life than students who read behind grade level. Reading is a key skill for performing well in school and enjoying more career choices. Source: Read and Rise, National Urban League.

  • Reading aloud to young children is most important.

    Reading aloud to your young child is the single most important activity for helping him or her to become a good reader. When you read to your child every day, you're building a foundation for success. Source: Put Reading First, The Partnership for Reading, 2001.

  • Children who start reading early do better.

    Research shows that the more children know about language and literacy before they start school, the better prepared they are to be good readers in school and throughout life. Source: National Research Council, 1999.

  • Talking with adults helps young children learn to read.

    Research shows that children who are exposed to a wide range of words in talking with adults can use these words later to help them understand what they are reading. Source: Put Reading First, The Partnership for Reading, 2001.

For more helpful information for families on school topics, visit MBRT's Parents Count web site at or call 410-727-0448 .

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