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Home & Hospital Teaching
Contact: your school’s Pupil Personnel Worker  

Home and Hospital Teaching Brochure 

Questions (Q:) and Answers (A:)
Q:  What is Home and Hospital Teaching?

A:  Home and Hospital Teaching provides education for Harford County students who are unable to attend school due to physical or emotional condition.

Q:  Who is eligible for Home and Hospital Teaching Services?

A:  Any student who is unable to attend school due to a properly verified physical or emotional condition is eligible for services. Applications can be obtained from the guidance department at your home school.

Q:  Does a student have to be out of school four weeks before they are eligible?

A:  No. If a doctor or school anticipates that a student’s absence may be for a period of several weeks, the application process may begin.

Q:  What is the difference between Home and Hospital Teaching and Home Schooling?

A:  Home Schooling is a school program administered at home by the student’s parent or guardian. The student on home schooling is not enrolled in a Harford County School. Home and Hospital Teaching is a temporary service available to any county student who is unable to attend his/her school due to physical or emotional crisis.

Q:  Who are the teachers assigned to Home and Hospital Teaching?

A:  There are currently eighty teachers assigned to the Home and Hospital Teaching Program. Other teachers are hired as the need arises.

Q:  Do I ever get to meet my teachers?

A:  Yes. Your teachers will visit you to bring materials and for individual tutoring sessions. A parent or responsible adult, 18 years or older, must be present when your teacher visits.

Q:  Will I be doing the same work as my classmates in my home school?

A:  If you are receiving one-to-one instruction at home, your teacher will contact your regular teacher for materials and instruction. In treatment facilities, usually the parent(s) bring work from the home school.

Q:  Do students graduate from Home and Hospital Teaching?

A:   No. although some students may be using the Home and Hospital Teaching service for an extended period of time, they graduate from their home school.

Q:  Who gives the Home and Hospital student a grade?

A:  Home and Hospital students receive a grade from their Home and Hospital teacher. That grade is sent to the parent and to the home school. The home school teacher averages the grade earned at Home and Hospital with the grade earned at the home school. If the student was in Home and Hospital for the entire quarter, then the home teacher will place that grade on the report card. Excused and unexcused absences will also be noted. Home and Hospital Teaching follows the Harford County Public Schools attendance policy for grading as indicated in the Home and Hospital Teaching Handbook.

Q:  How do I turn in my work?

A:  Each teacher has different requirements. Some teachers grade oral responses. Others require written work to be sent to the school using electronic mail, fax, or US postal services. Work may also be hand-delivered or picked up by the teacher.

Q:  Do I have to take HSA exams?

A:  Yes. Usually the exams will be taken at your home school, unless there are extenuating medical circumstances. It is the responsibility of the student or parent to contact the home school and make arrangements for the student to take final exams.

Q:  Why does it take so long for a student to get on the program?

A:  The length of time depends on how long it takes the parent, the doctor, and the school counselor to accurately complete and submit the required referral forms to the Home and Hospital Teaching Program administrator (Pupil Personnel Worker) in your area.

Q:  What do I do about the work I missed from my home school before placement in Home and Hospital Teaching?

A:  A student is responsible for completing his/her work at his home school until he/she begins Home and Hospital Teaching.

Home and Hospital Teachers are Needed!

Harford County residents are being sought as applicants for non-contracted home & hospital teaching positions for the current school year.

Click Here to Apply