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Fifth grade engineers from Homestead-Wakefield earn 2nd place at the Maryland Engineering Straw Bridge Challenge
Under the guidance of fifth grade teachers, Mrs. Kristin Hennessey and Mrs. Katie Smith, and GT teacher Mrs. Verna Hiser, about 60 fifth grade engineers at Homestead-Wakefield worked for over two months preparing to compete in the Maryland Engineering Straw Bridge Challenge.

To prepare for the challenge, the students researched the science of bridges, learned from a civil engineer guest speaker, constructed and tested structures, wrote a 10+ page technical report, prepared for an oral interview, and created display boards.

On Saturday February 3, 2024, about 40 of these fifth graders competed in the challenge at the Baltimore Museum of Industry in Baltimore. The competition was open to students in grades 5-8 and included 24 teams from across the state. 

 Congratulation to the Overconfident Blue Chicken Nuggs for earning 2nd place!