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Active HCPS Substitute Teacher/SmartFindExpress Information

This portion of the Harford County Public School's website is intended as a resource for current HCPS substitute teachers.

If you would like to become a HCPS substitute teacher, please click here.

Contact us: 410-809-6341
Allison Panowitz, Human Resources Staffing Specialist 410-588-5238
Zachary Frank, Human Resources System Support Specialist 410-809-6133

SmartFindExpress (SFE)

Need help with the SmartFindExpress system? Click on the link below for access to Employee web-based training system for SmartFindExpress. Once set up in SmartFind a user guide and additional training videos are available under Help in the top right corner of the browser version.

Online Substitute Teacher Training for SmartFindExpress System

For assistance with SmartFind email

Payroll Information

For ALL questions regarding W-2's, paycheck discrepancies and direct deposit, please call the Payroll Department

HCPS Clerical Substitute Pay Rate: $19.42/hour

HCPS Inclusion Helper Substitute Pay Rate: $16.95/hour

HCPS Paraeducator Substitute Pay Rate: $141.97/day (This rate applies for daily and long-term positions.)

HCPS Technician Substitute Pay Rate: $141.97/day (This rate applies for daily and long-term positions)

HCPS Technician Long-Term Substitute Pay Rate: $141.97/day

HCPS Daily Substitute Teacher Pay Rates:
$150.00/day (This rate applies to all substitute teachers who have completed any education under a four year Bachelor's degree from an accredited college or university.)
$165.00/day (This rate applies to all substitute teachers who have completed a four-year Bachelor's degree or beyond from an accredited college or university.)

HCPS Long-Term Substitute Teacher Pay Rate: $194.00/day

HCPS Site Based Substitute Teacher Pay Rate: $170.00/day


Fingerprint processing is handled by the Harford County Public School's Department of Investigations. Fingerprint cards/background checks from other school systems, government offices, or police agencies will not be accepted.


Effective 7/01/2023: A fee in the amount of $60.00 (non-refundable/non-reimbursable) will apply for fingerprint processing; payable online through PayPal or by check/money order payable to Harford County Public Schools. Fingerprint cards and background checks from other school systems, government offices, or police agencies will not be accepted.


A.A. Roberty Building, 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD 21014     Map and Directions

  • An I-9 Form is required to verify the identity and employment authorization of each new employee, both citizen and non-citizen hired after November 6, 1986, to work in the United States. Please click on the following link to access and complete the required sections of the I-9 Form: . Bring the acceptable required documents for employment to your fingerprint appointment.

Scheduling an Appointment

Please click here to schedule your fingerprinting appointment. Do not call the Department of Investigations to arrange an appointment. Daily Substitutes appointments MUST BE scheduled after the date of your orientation meeting. All other Substitute appointments must be scheduled after an assignment has been offered by school administration. Appointments that are scheduled prior to your meeting date and/or acceptance of assignment will be canceled.

When scheduling the appointment, use the following information:
   Employment Position:   Substitute
   Employment Start Date:   Orientation date OR Start of assignment

For general questions regarding the background investigations process, call the HCPS Department of Investigations at 410-588-5247. Reminider: do not use this number to arrange an appointment.

Renew Status for Next School Year

An annual maintenance is conducted during the summer months to update the substitute system. Reasonable assurance letters are mailed to eligible substitutes in May. Substitutes must inform us whether or not they wish to remain active and eligible for assignments during the upcoming school year.

This can be accomplished two ways:

1. Sign and return the Reasonable Assurance letter mailed to you in May indicating you will or will not be available to return.


2. Email stating you will or will not be available to return.

Please note: Substitutes that become inactive will be subject to current requirements upon re-entering the substitute pool. Individuals that have a break in service of a year or more must complete an I-9, resubmit fingerprints/criminal background check (subject to any current fees, non-refundable/non-reimbursable) in addition to a Child Protective Services Background Clearance.

Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ)

  1. My paycheck is not correct.  What do I do?
    Visit the Payroll Department contacts page and contact the appropriate HCPS Payroll Representative (based on your sub assignment location).

  2. I need to change my name and address.  What do I need to do?
    Complete the Address, Name, and Family Status Change Form and mail it to the Human Resources office at 102 South Hickory Avenue, Bel Air, MD 21014.  For name changes, a copy of your new Social Security card must be submitted with the change form.

  3. How do I add/delete school locations or subjects/classifications on my profile?
    Complete the Substitute Profile Change Form and fax it to 410-588-5315 or email  School and class information cannot be updated by the substitute in SFE.

  4. I recently earned a bachelor's degree and want to receive the higher pay rate.  What do I do?
    Attach a copy of your degree/transcript showing conferral of the degree to your online application and email to provide notification of the update.

  5. It's the end of the school year.  How do I update my status for next school year?
    You can choose to remain active for the upcoming school year or you can opt-out of substitute teaching completely.  Return the Reasonable Assurance letter mailed to you in May/June to state your desire to be reactivated as a substitute teacher or email stating your desire to be removed as a substitute teacher for HCPS.

  6. I have attended the orientation meeting and completed all required steps. I am trying to register with SmartFindExpress (SFE) as a new substitute but it is not working.  What do I do?
    If you have received the "Now in SFE!" email message and are still unable to register as a new substitute, contact or call the SFE Help Desk at 410-809-6341.

  7. It's been three weeks since I started working and I have not received a paycheck.  Why?
    Substitute pay is paid in arrears.  It may take 3-4 weeks to receive your first check.  Please view the payroll calendar or contact the Payroll Department with any questions.

  8. I registered as a new substitute a few weeks ago but I have not been contacted for an assignment.  Is everything okay?
    Yes.  Your school, class list and your daily availability affect the amount of assignments you may be offered.  The more schools and classes on your profile as well as the more days during the week you are available to work the more assignments you will be offered.  Keep in mind, some regions or schools are generally more in need than others.

  9. I am a college student and will be returning to school for the spring semester.  How do I stop the system from calling me during that time?
    Either over the phone or the internet, access your profile and enter a 'period of temporary unavailability' for the time you will be unavailable.

  10. I don't want to receive phone calls.  I will look for jobs over the internet.  How do I stop SFE from calling?
    Either over the phone or via the online SmartFindExpress System, access your profile and enter your desired do not disturb schedule.

  11. I forgot my pin number.  What do I do?
    TO CHANGE PIN or RE-RECORD NAME - Call 443-356-4040.
    PRESS 1 to Change your PIN
    PRESS 2 to Change the recording of your name

  12. I forgot my Access ID.  What do I do?
    Your Access ID is your phone number minus the three-digit area code.  If you still don't recall the number, email or call 410-809-6341.

  13. I need to re-submit my fingerprints.  What do I do?
    Visit the online Fingerprint Scheduler or call the Department of Investigations at 410-588-5247 to make an appointment.

  14. I was a HCPS substitute teacher a few years ago.  How do I get re-activated in SmartFind?
    All prospective substitute teachers must complete the process outlined in the Steps to Become a Daily Substitute Teacher.  You will receive an email response once your application has been reviewed.

  15. I am getting a new apartment.  Who handles the employment verifications?
    Please fax employment verification requests to the payroll department at 410-588-5309.  Security Deposit Waiver letters are not provided for non-permanent employees.

  16. As a Substitute, what benefits am I eligible for?
    Some substitutes qualify for sick and safe leave. Additional information is available on the Employment Benefits tab.

    All substitutes are eligible to participate in a 403(b) and/or 457(b) tax deferred annuity program offered by Harford County Public Schools.  Substitutes are only permitted to contribute a percentage of their salary.  A flat dollar amount per pay is not permitted by substitutes.  Anyone interested in participating should contact Lincoln Financial Group (below).

  17. Stacey Spedden
    Office  410-771-5430

    *Substitute teachers are not eligible for any other HCPS benefit.*