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Home - Harford County Public Schools

Harford Technical High School

As Harford County's singular school for academic studies and career/technical education, Harford Technical High School serves a population of students from throughout the county. Students in grades nine through 12 are offered opportunities to prepare for college, further post-secondary technical education, and/or enter into the work force or U.S. military through participation in one of nineteen career and technical programs, beginning in grade nine.

Harford Technical High School provides state-of-the-art facilities, with a rigorous curriculum offered by staff who create a challenging learning environment for all students. Faculty and staff strive to integrate academic and technical fields so that all studies are meaningful and rewarding for all students.

For more information about the Harford Technical High School Program, please visit Harford Technical High School's website for a complete listing and description of all programs, academic coursework, student and parent organizations, services, athletics, activities, news and events.