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Teacher of the Year Blog

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Teacher of the Year Blog

“The future belongs to those who believe in the beauty of their dreams.” ~ Eleanor Roosevelt 

                All my life I dreamed of being a teacher.  I have said often, that I looked to my teachers as heroes for they saw something inside of me that was waiting to be unleashed.  But in the same breath, I must say that I too saw something inside my teachers that I wanted to discover.  There was something about the profession of teachers that has always drew me, and now that I call myself “teacher,” I find this dream to be better than I could have imagined.

                This year has been a dream that I never dared to have.  For this moment in time, I was given a voice and a platform to represent those I cherish dearly.  Whether it was throwing out the first pitch at a baseball game, walking in a parade to the cheers of a county, speaking in front of hundreds of teachers serving this county longer than I, walking the halls of Annapolis, or modeling lessons to new teachers – I have embraced every opportunity this year has afforded me and treasured each within my heart.

                Words cannot express the gratefulness I have to each person who has supported me this year.  You put your belief and trust in me, and you allowed me to soar.   This county has given me a gift I can never repay.  

                Congratulations to Larry Jehnert, our newest Teacher of the Year.  This is an honor only 28 teachers have held.  Larry is so deserving of this honor.  Being a teacher is not something Larry does, but it is rather who he is.  Larry is so committed to empowering students that everybody who comes into contact with Larry is impacted.  His quiet, humble manner in which he conducts himself allows his true influence to students and teachers to speak even louder.  I know this year will be an incredible year for him, as well as for all those impacted by the work he will do.  Congratulations to Larry!