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Teacher of the Year Blog

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Teacher of the Year Blog
One of the many opportunities of the Top 5 Teachers of the Year is multiple opportunities to meet with the superintendent to advise him on HCPS matters. On February 21, the Teacher Advisory Committee which is comprised of me and the top 4 Teachers of the Year for 2018-2019, Amanda Roberts, Nicole Shank, Dawn Stone, and Deanna Smith (missing in this picture), had our second meeting with Dr. Bulson to discuss ways that we can build on the great work of HCPS in the areas of professional development and the teacher evaluation system. Teachers often seek ways to make their voices heard, so we are fortunate to have a superintendent who not only shares ideas but listens as well. At the end of our meeting, we thought it was important to memorialize the moment with a selfie. We chose the person with the longest arms to take the shot—Dr. Bulson. We look forward to many more opportunities to share feedback and to take action!