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Teacher of the Year Blog

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Teacher of the Year Blog
And the Winner Is…
This weekend over dinner, the topic of last year’s Teacher of the Year festivities came up.  I don’t know if it was the warm, spring winds of nostalgia blowing in through my kitchen window, or perhaps the quiet and the space to actually genuinely reflect, but I felt a tinge of the excitement from last year overcome me.  And it was no less magical than one year ago.
And then a wave of sadness followed.  On April 1, the newest Teacher of Year should have been crowned.  It is understandable that this, among many other very important events, have had to be postponed for obvious reasons. I can’t imagine how the finalists feel, wondering how their lives might change at any moment, but with no distinct timeline to cling to.  And if I know anything, I know that Jillian Lader and her Communications team, along with the many generous sponsors, will do something to honor the 2020 Finalists in the most special, original way that they can, as soon as they can. 
But then something occurred to me.  This makes sense and is completely fitting.  Technically there is no Teacher of the Year right now in Harford County.  Because ALL teachers are Teachers of the Year right now.  While this pandemic and school shutdown have been challenging, to say the least, our teachers have not wasted any time getting back to the work that they love and the students that need them.  I am overcome with emotion throughout the day as I see posts of teachers reminding their students that they love them and that they are there with them in spirit.  I am inspired by the sharing of ideas, resources and solutions to problems between teachers to make instruction the best that it can be.  I am kept sane by virtual teacher meetings, both professional and personal, where I can interact with the people who have become so much more than colleagues to me, and who are the only people who truly understand. 

This challenge is big, but Teachers are bigger.

A heartfelt and gigantic CONGRATULATIONS to ALL of the Teachers of the Year right now.  Your work is important and hasn’t gone unnoticed, especially by the people who mean the most.  I don’t have any gifts for you at this time, but I hear the car is available ;) 

Please be well. Don't forget to take care of yourselves while you are in the important care of others.  You are on my mind and in my heart.  I can't wait to see you in person again some day soon.