HCPS Board Meeting Highlights
Monday, July 18, 2005
Questions regarding these Board Highlights may be directed to Don Morrison, Director of Public Information, 410-588-5203.
At the business meeting on July 18, 2005 at the Center for Educational Opportunity the following actions and discussions
took place.
Reorganization of the Board of Education
Superintendent of Schools Jacqueline C. Haas opened the meeting of the Board presiding over its annual leadership reorganization.
Dr. Haas mentioned that in accordance with Section 3-b1 of the Annotated Code of Maryland she would oversee the reorganization.
Dr. Haas asked for nominations for position of Board President. Board Member Mark M. Wolkow moved and Board Member
Thomas L. Fidler, Jr. seconded that current Board Vice-President R. Robin Rich become President of the Board for the
2005-06 school year. The Board voted unanimously (Ms. Rich abstaining) to approve the motion. Ms. Rich presented comments
on the occasion of her having been named Board President. Ms. Rich assumed leadership of the meeting and asked for
nominations for the position of Board Vice-President. Acting on the motion of Mr. Fidler and the second of Board Member
Lee Merrell the Board voted unanimously (Mr. Wolkow abstaining) to support the motion to name Mr. Wolkow vice-president.
Dr. Haas presided over the swearing-in of the new student representative to the Board of Education William R. Garrett.
Acting on the motion of Mr. Fidler and second of Mr. Wolkow, the Board voted unanimously to adopt the agenda with the
amendment of Item B Approval of Recommendations for Appointments and Promotions deleted.
The Board presented a plaque and certification to John J. O'Neill, Jr. who had been county administrator under County
Executive Harkins for 6.5 years - from December 1998 through the end of July 2005. The Board cited Mr. O'Neill's invaluable
leadership as a calming influence in relations between the county government and school system. Mr. O'Neill will rejoin
Mr. Harkins as Chief of Staff of the Maryland Environmental Service. Mr. Harkins became secretary of that agency on
July 1, 2005, and was honored by the Board at its June 13th meeting.
The Board also recognized the efforts of three recent C. Milton Wright high school students - Benjamin A. Brody, Corey
E. Yonce, and Austin G. Edwards - who, early in the morning of June 27th saw a fire that was raging out of control
in an interior unit of townhouses on Queen Anne's Square. The three young men called 911 and helped awaken those living
in townhouses adjacent to the one where the blaze began. Their efforts were credited with saving thousands of dollars
in property damage and a dozen or more lives. The Board presented the three young men with certificates noting their
selfless act of heroism.
General Public Comments
Robert Banker, President of Maryland Chapter 33 of the Korean War Veterans Association, introduced Carl Collier who
chaired the program known as "Tell America" which provided information to schools and other organizations about the
Korean conflict. Mr. Banker said the Korean War, coming between World War II and the Vietnam War, is poorly understood.
He credited Harford County Public Schools supervisor of social studies George Toepfer for his efforts in arranging
an in-house teaching seminar to 10th and 11th grade students at Aberdeen High School on January 27, 2005 during which
students learned about the Korean conflict.
Old Business
Action Items
Acting on the motion of Mr. Thomas and the second of Mr. Wolkow the Board voted unanimously to approve items on the
consent agenda including: Affirmation of Monthly Contract Awards, Monthly Report on Personnel, and Approval of the
Special Education Staffing Report.
New Business
Action Items
Superintendent Haas and Board President Rich joined Harford County Educational Services Council President Barbara Yost
and HCESC Uniserv Representative Tim Thornberg in signing the 2005-06 contract between the employee organization and
the Board of Education of Harford County. Assistant Superintendent of Human Resources Jon O'Neal commented that HCESC
employees received their salary increase effective July 1.
Supervisor of Planning and Construction Kathleen Sanner presented the Board with information about the proposed takeover
of the contract 1A General Trades at North Harford High School awarded to Jack H. Kidd Associates, which provided
notification of its intent to cease operations and voluntarily terminate performance on the contract. The contracts
surety, North American Specialty Insurance Company, was proposed to take over the contract and award it to Homewood
General Contractors. Acting on the motion of Mr. Wolkow and the second of Mr. Fidler the Board voted unanimously to
approve the takeover and award as outlined by Mrs. Sanner.
Mrs. Sanner and Assistant Superintendent of Operations Joseph P. Licata presented the Board with the preliminary draft
of the proposed FY 2007 Capital Improvement Program. Mrs. Sanner outlined the $59.3 million proposal summarizing the
entries on the proposal which will require Board action at its September 12 meeting. Mrs. Sanner told the Board that
the cost figures will increase because the State Department of Education has provided information escalating the square
foot cost of construction from its current $176 to $213 per square foot. Mrs. Sanner asked the Board to provide input
on the capital program and ask any questions it might have either during the August 8 Board meeting or prior to its
expected vote on September 12. Mr. Thomas pointed out that new County Executive David Craig has expressed his intention
of doing away with more than 90 relocatable classrooms currently in use by the school system. Dr. Haas said she is
setting up a meeting with the county executive to discuss his views on the issue. Mr.Wolkow expressed his views that
the school system "is in the best position we have ever been" concerning funding for its capital needs. He pointed
to $250 million in state capital funds and the passage of the impact fees by the county government dedicated to raising
money for school construction. Mrs. Sanner said the county executive's comments about portables was a "shocker" and
that the portables were being used to create capacity in implementing all day kindergarten in the elementary schools.
Superintendent's Report
Dr. Haas told the Board that 1100 students were participating in elementary summer school. She said summer school should
not be perceived as an intervention but as a way to help students maintain their level of academic achievement. The
superintendent said that Chris Sherman and Kyle Fennel placed 4th in masonry and 6th in major appliance categories
respectively at the recent national leadership skills competition held in Kansas City, Missouri. Both students are
enrolled at Harford Technical High School. Dr. Haas said 4700 students representing 50 states and three U.S. possessions
took part in the competition. The superintendent said work is proceeding on the Master Plan to meet requirements of
No Child Left Behind and Bridge to Excellence Legislation. She added that the summer has been "fairly quiet" and that
work is progressing on the roof and HVAC at Edgewood Middle School as well as continuing construction at North Harford
High School. She said that regular reports will be given by Mrs. Sanner to the Board on progress at North Harford
High School.
Board Comments
Mr. Thomas congratulated Ms. Rich and Mr. Wolkow on their Board leadership posts and extended his congratulations to
Mr. Craig on having been named county executive. Mr. Wolkow added his congratulations to Ms. Rich and Mr. Craig as
well as student representative Will Garrett. He said he had attended the Maryland Association of Boards of Education
session that morning. Ms. Rich congratulated Mr. Craig and extended her hopes that his administration would work well
with the school system. She welcomed Mr. Garrett and said that she is hopeful he will provide a "new perspective"
to the Board. She commented that those members of the public who normally attend Board Meetings were not present for
this meeting but expressed her hope that they would be able to attend future meetings because they are a "unique group"
with a "unique skill set." Ms. Rich reviewed upcoming Board meetings including the August 10 work session during which
the system goals would be reviewed.
The Board meeting adjourned at 8:30 p.m.
This document contains a summary of issues that came before the Board of Education of Harford County and actions taken by
the Board at the public business meeting at the meeting date referenced on the document. These are not official Board-approved
minutes. Board minutes are not posted on the HCPS web site because of the time lapse that occurs between the meeting,
their preparation, and ultimate approval by the Board.
For copies of approved Board minutes, please e-mail