Library media instruction is an essential part of students' K-12 educational experience. School library media programs
provide all students and staff members with equal and timely access to ideas and information. Through an integrated
instructional program, school library media specialists ensure that their students will be college and career ready for
the 21st century.
- 54 library media centers staffed by 66 professionally certified school librarians
- 32 media technicians provide support for instruction and library services
- Our certified school librarians are involved in direct instruction over 50% of the school day
- Students and teachers have access to multiple library subscription databases and web tools through Clever.
- Our district has over half a million books and other items available for circulation
Students must be able to achieve cross-curricular learning that will provide them with the skills below from the
AASL Standards Framework for Learners (2018).
Shared Foundations
Inquire - Build new knowledge by inquiring, thinking critically, identifying problems, and developing strategies
for solving problems.
Include - Demonstrate an understanding of and commitment to inclusiveness and respect for diversity in the learning community.
Collaborate - Work effectively with others to broaden perspectives and work toward common goals.
Curate - Discover and innovate in a growth mindset developed through experience and reflection.
Engage - Demonstrate safe, legal, and ethical creating and sharing of knowledge products independently while engaging
in a community of practice and in an interconnected world.
Think - Inquire, think critically, and gain knowledge.
Create - Draw conclusions, make informed decisions, apply knowledge to new situations, and create new knowledge.
Share - Share knowledge and participate ethically and productively as members of our democratic society.
Grow - Pursue personal and aesthetic growth
Library Planning Workgroup
A Library Planning Workgroup has been formed to review the existing practices of the evaluation and selection of library materials
and reconsideration process of challenged library materials. The workgroup will recommend possible changes to existing practice
and draft an Administrative Procedure. Once the workgroup has developed a draft Administrative Procedure, it will be posted for
public comment and community input prior to going into effect. The workgroup will not be reviewing individual books. Prior to
engaging in any additional review of library materials, HCPS will seek applications from the public to establish a newly constituted
challenged book review team.
The membership of the workgroup includes:
- Dr. Sean Bulson, Superintendent
- Aaron Penman, Harford County Councilman
- Lauren Paige Strauss, HCPS Board of Education
- Mary Hastler, CEO, Harford County Public Library
- Martha Barwick, HCPS Supervisor of Innovation in Learning
- Annmarie Steltzer, HCS Assistant Supervisor of Reading, English, and Language Arts
- Christina Davis, HCPS Librarian
- Tracy Papinchock, HCPS Librarian
- Danita Lawrence, HCPS Teacher
- Christy Larkin, HCPS Parent
- Nora Wallace, HCPS Parent
Library Selection and Reconsideration Procedure
The American Library Association and the Code of Maryland Regulations for School Library Media specify that school libraries have
a comprehensive written procedure that is current, reviewed regularly, familiar to the library staff, and distributed widely for
understanding by all stakeholders. This procedure was updated during the 2023-24 school year by the Library Planning Workgroup.
Library Selection and Reconsideration Procedure
Reconsideration Committee
Each year in May, an application will be available to apply for the Reconsideration Committee. Members will be selected by a
committee appointed by the Executive Director of Curriculum, Instruction, and Assessment.
Reconsideration Process
The reconsideration process exists to address concerns or objections regarding specific items in the library collection. If
content within our collection raises concerns, please contact the school library media specialist in order to collaboratively
address and resolve concerns. Should the need for a formal review persist, a reconsideration request for a library book can be
initiated by an employee, parent, or student within the school system.
Submit a Library Materials Reconsideration Request
(Opens on May 21, 2024)
Elementary students visit their school's media center at least one day a week for direct instruction in the library curriculum and book
selection. The elementary curriculum has four focus areas. Our Information Navigation unit focuses on having students navigate the
library exploring the various types of resources offered including utilizing our online catalog system to locate resources to meet their
library needs. During our Digital Citizenship unit students are exposed to best practices for being safe digital citizens that both
utilize and produce content for the digital community. Our Research unit highlights the skills necessary to solve those big questions
or fill a gap in knowledge using both print and digital resources. And finally, our Make and Create unit allows us tap into our
creative minds with connections between literature, and science, technology, and art. One main are of focus is developing
computational thinking and problem solving with coding.
Elementary Units of Study
Grade 1
Grade 2
Grade 3
Grade 4
Grade 5
The secondary library media curriculum builds upon the skills and concepts taught in the elementary library media centers. Various
electronic sources, online databases, and specific organizational tools are introduced and utilized in cross curricular units for
research and learning. Fully integrated concepts are designed to create independent learners who can thrive in an information-based
society and who will enter adulthood with the abilities to fulfill their personal and professional needs. Students are encouraged to
develop the positive attitudes necessary to become life-long readers. Classes at the secondary level are flexibly scheduled.
For more information on library/media, contact:
Supervisor of Innovation and Learning
102 South Hickory Avenue
Bel Air, MD 21014