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GPA Calculators

Quarterly/Cumulative GPA Calculator   |   Goal GPA Calculator

Quarterly/Cumulative GPA Calculator


For Quarterly Calculation...

  1. For each course you are taking this quarter, enter the credit value.
  2. Select the quarter grade that you have or will receive for each course.
  3. If the course is an Advanced Placement course, ensure that the box for that column is checked.
  4. Click Calculate Quarterly GPA. Your quarterly GPA will appear to the right.
    Note: Quarterly GPA does not currently utilize credit value.

For Cumulative Calculation...

  1. For each course you are taking this year, enter the credit value.
  2. Select the final grade that you have or will receive for each course.
  3. If the course is an Advanced Placement course, ensure that the box for that column is checked.
  4. Enter the Cumulative GPA Earned so Far (prior to this year).
  5. Enter the Total Credits Earned so Far (prior to this year).
  6. Click Calculate Cumulative GPA. Your new cumulative GPA for the end of this year will appear to the right.

Note: For questions regarding your gpa or gpa calculations, be sure to contact your School Counselor.

Credits Grade Advance Placement?
Course #1
Course #2
Course #3
Course #4
Course #5
Course #6
Course #7
Course #8
Course #9
Course #10
Course #11
Course #12
Cumulative GPA Earned so Far:
Total Credits Earned so Far:

  1. Enter your Cumulative GPA Earned so far.
  2. Enter the Total Credits Earned so far.
  3. Enter the Credits Left to Complete (the number of credits you have left to complete before graduation).
  4. In the Target GPA upon Completion of Credits field, enter the gpa that you wish to have by the time that you complete the rest of your credits.
  5. Click Calculate Required GPA. The box will be populated with the gpa you need this year to acheive your goal.

Note: For questions regarding your gpa or gpa calculations, be sure to contact your School Counselor.

Cumulative GPA Earned so Far:
Total Credits Earned so Far:
Credits Left to Complete:
Target GPA upon Completion of Credits:
Required GPA this Year: