Online Databases (HCPS Subscription Only)
Online databases are available in all schools with home access available to all
students. The elementary schools have seven databases, while the secondary schools
have access to eleven databases. All schools have access to the online database
C.E.R.F. (Curriculum Educational Resource Finder), a safe and efficient directory
of educator-selected web sites that should answer student research questions without
directly searching the Internet.
All services are available for home use. Ask your school media specialist for the
user name and password.
Secondary School Subscriptions
C.E.R.F. The internet is disorganized, sometimes
inaccurate and information may be questionable. This company evaluates web sites
for schools and allows you to search topics and retrieve sites that are relevant
to the curriculum. You can request websites for a specific subject that C.E.R.F.
does not have. C.E.R.F. will automatically create a bibliography for you of the
online sites.
CultureGrams Online Database links you to all
CultureGrams editions, including World, Kids, Provinces, and States material, in an
engaging interface that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. It includes unlimited printing
rights, along with exclusive online features: worldwide photo gallery, slideshows, video
clips, famous people collection, and a unique recipe collection that offers five homegrown
recipes from all countries in the database. Plus, sortable (create-your-own) data tables
help put dozens of facts into perspective.
Gale Resource Center Gold 1000 full text journals
and magazines. Four newspapers: Washington Post, New York Times, Dallas Morning
Herald, and LA Times. World of Health. American Decades. Discovering Series: Authors,
Biography, Science, U.S. History, World History, Multicultural America, Novels.,
Short Stories, Poetry, Shakespeare. Primary Source Documents: African American Experience,
The Civil Wark, Civil Rights in America, The Vietnam War, AND MANY OTHERS!
Gale Opposing Viewpoints Resource Center This
database, available from the Student Resource Center Gold web site, accesses information
on social issues with viewpoints, statistics, and topic overviews.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Grolier Multimedia
includes three encyclopedias. The Americana is based on the Encyclopedia Americana
and intended for users in middle school through adult, this database contains links
to related web sites. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia online is based on the Academic
American Encyclopedia and is intended for students in middle school and up. It includes
a quick reference look-up tool with web links, timelines and an interactive atlas.The
New Book of Knowledge online is based on The New Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia
and suitable for grades 3 and up. This database contains NBK News, a current events
site for use in classrooms and libraries.
Lands and Peoples A highly interactive and
continually updated encyclopedia of geography, countries, cultures, and current
events for students in elementary and middle school. Available at the Grolier Encyclopedia
web site.
Mandarin M3 This is the library media center's
online catalog of each school's collection of book and other materials housed in
their school media center. These databases are specific to each school and may be
accessed only within each school.
Reference Suite at Facts on File
World News Digest (full text coverage from 1980 to the present plus selected content
dating back to 1940). Today's Science on File (Science news with special section
for teachers). Issues and Controversies on File (broad range of current issues).
Editorials on File. Reuters Online News Service. The World Almanac and Book of Facts
SIRS Discoverer SIRS Discoverer is a full-text
article database that helps elementary and middle school students develop researching,
reading, writing, language and computer skills. Students can do research, read stories,
learn about important people, places and events. Students can also access Photo
Essays that portray social issues and global concepts through colorful photos accompanied
by brief text.
SIRS Researcher A general reference data base
which contains social issues, health, science,and business. Thousands of full text
articles exploring social, scientific, health, historic, economic. business, political
and global issues.
World Book Encyclopedia World Book Encyclopedia
includes maps and news in addition to the regular encyclopedia type articles. All
updated on a daily basis.
Elementary School Subscriptions
America The Beautiful A complete online source
for students that contains the latest demographic information on states, capitals,
and major cities, as well as complete and current geographical, historical, and
cultural information about the United States and its territories. It includes timelines,
biographies, maps, fun facts, and teacher resources, this database is based on the
definitive reference source "America the Beautiful" published by Children's Press.
C.E.R.F. The internet is disorganized, sometimes
inaccurate and information may be questionable. This company evaluates web sites
for schools and allows you to search topics and retrieve sites that are relevant
to the curriculum. You can request websites for a specific subject that C.E.R.F.
does not have. C.E.R.F. will automatically create a bibliography for you of the
online sites.
CultureGrams Online Database links you to all
CultureGrams editions, including World, Kids, Provinces, and States material, in an
engaging interface that can be accessed anywhere, anytime. It includes unlimited printing
rights, along with exclusive online features: worldwide photo gallery, slideshows, video
clips, famous people collection, and a unique recipe collection that offers five homegrown
recipes from all countries in the database. Plus, sortable (create-your-own) data tables
help put dozens of facts into perspective.
Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia Grolier Multimedia
includes three encyclopedias. The Americana is based on the Encyclopedia Americana
and intended for users in middle school through adult, this database contains links
to related web sites. Grolier Multimedia Encyclopedia online is based on the Academic
American Encyclopedia and is intended for students in middle school and up. It includes
a quick reference look-up tool with web links, timelines and an interactive atlas.The
New Book of Knowledge online is based on The New Book of Knowledge Encyclopedia
and suitable for grades 3 and up. This database contains NBK News, a current events
site for use in classrooms and libraries.
Mandarin M3 This is the library media center's
online catalog of each school's collection of book and other materials housed in
their school media center. These databases are specific to each school and may be
accessed only within each school.
SIRS Discoverer SIRS Discoverer is a full-text
article database that helps elementary and middle school students develop researching,
reading, writing, language and computer skills. Students can do research, read stories,
learn about important people, places and events. Students can also access Photo
Essays that portray social issues and global concepts through colorful photos accompanied
by brief text.
SIRS Researcher A general reference data base
which contains social issues, health, science,and business. Thousands of full text
articles exploring social, scientific, health, historic, economic. business, political
and global issues.
World Book Encyclopedia World Book Encyclopedia
includes maps and news in addition to the regular encyclopedia type articles. All
updated on a daily basis.