Collective Bargaining Information
Board of Education of Harford County
Maryland Law requires the Board of Education of Harford County to engage in a labor
negotiation process called collective bargaining. In collective bargaining the Board
formally negotiates labor contracts with employee associations of unions, which
are referred to as bargaining units in Harford County. State law mandates that these
labor contracts include such items as employee work hours, salary, healthcare benefits,
and working conditions. A negotiated contract must be ratified
by both the Board and the employee members of the unit. The labor contract, which
is called a Negotiated Agreement, is kept in place for a set period of time and
is binding.
The Board of Education negotiates with five bargaining units that represent all
employees within the Harford County Public School system:
AFSCME - The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees
The American Federation of State, County and Municipal Employees (AFSCME) is the
exclusive public school employee organization for all school custodians, facilities
and maintenance trades workers, bus drivers, bus attendants, school cafeteria workers
and other non-instructional support related employees. AFSCME represents approximately
900 employees of Harford County Public Schools.
AHCATSP - The Association of Harford County Administrative, Technical and Supervisory Professionals
The Association of Harford County Administrative, Technical and Supervisory Professionals
(AHCATSP) is the exclusive public school employee organization for all non-certified
supervisors. This includes department managers, supervisors, computer programmers
and analysts, coordinators and other related non-certificated
supervisory personnel, school nurses, purchasing agents and specialists. AHCATSP represents
approximately 180 employees of Harford
County Public Schools.
APSASHC - The Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Harford County
The Association of Public School Administrators and Supervisors of Harford County
(APSASHC) is the exclusive public school employee organization for the
certificated administrators and supervisors. This includes principals, curriculum supervisors, instructional
coordinators, assistant principals, instructional facilitators, pupil personnel workers and other related
certificated supervisory personnel. APSASHC represents approximately 300 employees of Harford County Public
HCEA - The Harford County Education Association
The Harford County Education Association
(HCEA) is the exclusive public school employee organization for all teachers,
guidance counselors, psychologists, media specialists, occupational therapists,
physical therapists, and speech and hearing clinicians. HCEA represents approximately
3,200 employees of Harford County Public Schools.
HCEA – Harford County Education Association (Education Support Professionals)
The Harford County Education Association is the exclusive public school employee organization for all clerical/secretaries, paraeducators, team nurses, instructionally-related technicians, school bus driver instructors, transportation specialists, transliterators, sign language interpreters, Braille technicians, inclusion helpers, and related instructional support personnel who work twenty (20) or more hours per week. HCEA (ESP) represents approximately 1,100 employees of Harford County Public Schools.
Salary Schedules
Effective July 1, 2024 - June 30, 2025