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Enrollment Reports

In order to appropriately plan school programs and future facility needs, student enrollment is projected annually for the subsequent school year and the following seven years. The projections are developed once the official September 30th actual student enrollment is determined. A statistical model commonly known as the “cohort survival method” is used to track historical trends of students from grade to successive grade each year, then to project future year enrollment based on a combination of historical trends. Student enrollment projections are developed system wide, grade-by-grade (Pre K – 12), school-by-school, and by elementary, middle and high school levels. Factors that influence the development of the projections are birth rates, in-migration and out-migration of Harford County residents, existing home sales, new residential subdivision growth, student drop-out rates, private school enrollment, grade by grade historical succession ratios and other demographic data. Historically, the Board of education of Harford County enrollment projections have been in the 95%-98% accuracy range. The September 30th actual enrollment and the enrollment projections are submitted to the State and other agencies for use in planning and determining funding levels. Each school district in the state of Maryland is required to develop and submit enrollment projections on an annual basis. The following charts represent the official September 30th actual enrollment and the subsequent student enrollment projections.

Current Enrollment September 30th

* Unreconciled to MSDE.